Collaborative privacy impact assessments reinvented

Say goodbye to lengthy interviews and questionnaires. TrustWorks Engage discovers ongoing projects and provides instant privacy risk assessments while keeping business initiatives on track.
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Check how modern privacy teams collaborate better with business and IT

Automate intake, discovery, and classification of initiatives across your organisation

Trustworks identifies business initiatives and classifies them as soon as they are documented in project management platforms, document repositories, and collaboration tools. Your privacy team will never stay out of the loop again.

AI-assisted analysis and insights for better compliance

Save many hours spent on analysis and interviews with project teams. Our platform analyses new initiatives in the context of your privacy program, offering insights for both privacy and project teams.

Maintain efficient and frictionless communication

By integrating with Slack, Microsoft Teams and other collaboration tools, TrustWorks Engage centralises communication around assessments organised to help your business deliver their projects quicker.

Streamline implementation of risk mitigation measures

Each project insight, recommendation and risk mitigation measure can be tracked effortlessly within your existing ticketing system, to guarantee compliance and enhance operational efficiency.


Streamline assessments without slowing down business

Get better visibility on ongoing projects

Track new processing of data, vendors and Al adoption efficiently. TrustWorks Engage identifies and analyses all initiatives in your organisation as soon as they are launched.

Save time spent on manual analysis with Al

No matter if you launch 1 or 100 new initiatives every week, the TrustWorks AI Assistant analyses project documentation and provides insights aligned with worldwide regulations and policies specific to your organisation.

Manage risks and priorities for your assessments

TrustWorks Engage identifies projects with high-risk exposure that require further assessments within your business. TrustWorks suggests mitigation strategies and creates corresponding tasks using the tools your project team uses.

Help your business rapidly deliver projects with no risk

Privacy insights are generated in real-time, helping your project teams include compliance requirements at the early stages of the initiative.
For Enterprises

Built to support numerous project methodologies

No matter if your organisation follows traditional or agile methodologies and frameworks, TrustWorks Engage integrates seamlessly with any of them, providing best practices related to collaborative privacy compliance.

Overcome complexity with custom workflows and integrations

Our privacy analysts craft custom workflows adapted to the most complex organisations and requirements. Additionally, our community of clients will support you with best practices and lessons learned in their journey towards collaborative privacy programs.

Choose a European privacy solution to get the best results

EU-based support

Our privacy experts are based in Europe, offering proactive support across various time zones.

Global expertise

The TrustWorks community provides expertise spanning multiple jurisdictions.

Data protection assurance

Personal data remains within EEA, simplifying legal compliance and data transfers.

Discover the power of TrustWorks Engage

Contact us now to see how TrustWorks can revolutionise your approach to privacy management and compliance.