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¿Decepcionado con OneTrust?

Explore TrustWorks’ award-winning alternative for free

Las herramientas tradicionales de gestión de cumplimiento normativo y protección de datos no se adaptan a los requisitos y objetivos actuales de las organizaciones. Compara TrustWorks y OneTrust para comprobarlo.
70%+ of TrustWorks’ clients moved from OneTrust. 0% have looked back.
confian en nosotros

Trapped in the OneTrust maze?

La mayoría de nuestros clientes se enfrentaban a las mismas frustraciones
Escalating license renewal costs with no notice
Persistent manual workload despite promises of automation
Complex integration setup that hinders productivity
Slow and inadequate customer support
Manual handling of lengthy assessments questionnaires.
Lost of control when managing large volume of DSRs
🟡 Bring efficiency to your privacy team
—without the headaches 🤯
Request your free migration trial

What TrustWorks customers say after the migration

From global giants to innovative startups, we’re being chosen as the go-to privacy management solution simply because we do better.
From Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups, migration to TrustWorks is seamless. But don't just take our word for it!
“We eliminated the unnecessary operational burden and the need for extensive training. TrustWorks has drastically reduced the time required for VTEX’s privacy team to deal with privacy operations and governance, significantly optimising our processes.
Renan Sancho
Privacy PMO &
 Corporate Lawyer
"The customer success team is outstanding, and the integration was effortless. Migrating our RoPA and setting up our DSAR flow took no time! TrustWorks is miles ahead of what we saw in the market."
Philippe Sunfeld
Senior Legal Manager
"In just 6 weeks, we completely transformed our Privacy Program. We finally found the tool that suits our needs and have overcome the key challenge of efficiently handling the company’s DSRs in different countries, legislations, and languages."
Mireia Martinez
Head of Privacy

Migración de OneTrust automatizada

Prueba gratuita de la herramienta ¡ya disponible!

Explora la mejor alternativa de OneTrust: la solución líder en la UE y ganadora del premio al «Producto de privacidad más impactante».
El 70% de los clientes actuales de TrustWorks, incluidas empresas de Fortune 500, migró con éxito desde OneTrust.
Compruébalo de primera mano; comienza con una muestra de migración gratuita con los propios datos de tu organización.

Puedes esperar mucho más de tu solución de privacidad

Free OneTrust migration trial!

Di adiós a las hojas de cálculo y a las tediosas herramientas del pasado

Probar Migración de OneTrust de forma gratuita. Saber más.